Sow Where You Want To Go

God really does have good plans for your 2025! He surrounds your year with goodness and harvest. Read today's newsletter to learn more and to start your day with faith and encouragement.

You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.

Psalm 65:11 (NLT)

Faith In The Morning Daily Affirmation 🌅

I am the salt of the earth. I am the light of this world. Jesus said it so I believe it. I am a carrier of the Glory of God. Today, I will experience the extreme goodness of God. Today, I make myself available for God to show His goodness to others through me.  Today, I am increasing in influence. Today, I will see the goodness of God in my life! Today, something good is going to happen to me so I expect miracles. 

Today’s Devotional 📖

Good Morning,

In 2025, we will thrive. To thrive means to flourish, prosper, advance, make steady progress, and grow and develop vigorously. If we are going to thrive, we need to double down and double up in our focus and dedication. For the month of January, I want to encourage you to read two chapters of the Bible a day. I want you to read through Proverbs and Psalms 1-31 with me. Today, read Psalm 3 and Proverbs 3. I’ll keep a reminder at the bottom of the newsletter to help you follow along with the Faith+ reading plan.

Psalms 65:11 lets us know that God crowns and surrounds our year with goodness and harvest. If it is God’s job to surround our year with harvest, then it is our job to surround our year with seed. Seed is an important concept that you want to grasp if you want to achieve your goals and thrive in 2025.

Do you want to see your 2025 goals come to pass? Then help someone meet their 2025 goals. Whether you help them through your time, your abilities, your experience, giving financially, praying with them, or encouraging them - helping someone fulfill their goals will help you fulfill your goals.

Whatever you sow, you will reap. Helping someone else is a form of seed and you need to sow where you want to go. We see this concept throughout the Word of God and we need to implement it in our every day lives. Who can you help today? Ask God to lead you to the person. He will. When you help them, not only will you be a manifestation of God’s goodness in their life, you will be even closer to reaching your goals.

I share more about this concept in today’s podcast devotional. Stream today’s devotional on YouTube, Apple Podcast or Spotify to find out more. Happy New Year!

Today’s Prayer 🙏

Pray this prayer with me today, “Father, I believe you love me extravagantly and you have great plans for my life. Help me to be rooted and grounded in you, in love, and in the truth so that I can thrive in 2025. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Something good is going to happen to you today. Keep moving forward! Want more encouragement? Check the links below and share them with others. Have a great day!

Extra Encouragement ☀️

My cousin, Pastor Andre Butler, recently shared a message to help you Thrive in 2025. Stream it and apply it to your life!

Listen to this motivating message I shared at Faith about God’s plan, purpose, and provision for your life! Share it with a friend!

Share Faith With Others 📤👥

Do you know someone who needs to read today’s email? Please forward this to them so that they can be encouraged by God’s wonderful love and goodness for them.

Did someone forward this email to you? Subscribe to the Faith in the Morning newsletter to receive daily encouragement in your inbox!

Don’t forget to read through the Books of Proverbs and Psalms this month Today, read Proverbs 3 and Psalms 3.

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