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- You Are Important: Your Life Is An Extension Of The Ministry Of Jesus
You Are Important: Your Life Is An Extension Of The Ministry Of Jesus
Happy Monday!
This is going to be a great week for you because God loves you and has wonderful plans for your life. I’m still reflecting over yesterday’s Experience at Faith. We never got to the message. We praised and worshipped God and we had a wonderful Experience with Him. The Holy Spirit gave us new songs that encouraged us to go forward in His plan for our lives and believe for miracles, signs, and wonders. Want to hear the encouragement and the songs? You can stream it here. I’ve heard from people who were watching online who were healed in their homes and others who could sense the presence of God while watching the Experience. Stream it, be encouraged, and know that God has miracles, signs, and wonders for your life!
This month, we are reading the Book of Acts together as a Faith family and Faith in the Morning community. If you haven’t started reading Acts with us, you can catch up. Today, we are reading Acts chapter 5 in our daily reading plan. This morning, I want to draw your attention to the first two verses of the Book of Acts.
In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about everything Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven after giving his chosen apostles further instructions through the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:1-2 (NLT)
Did you know that the name Theophilus means friend of God or lover of God? In this short passage, Luke summarizes the Gospel of Luke by sharing it was what Jesus began to do. In this passage, Luke also shares the Book of Acts is what Jesus continued to do through the Holy Spirit.
Your name is not Theophilus, but I know you are a lover of God and a friend of God. Friend of God, Jesus’ work did not end in Luke and it did not end in Acts. He is still working on earth through the Holy Spirit who is working through you. Lover of God, stay sensitive to the leading of the Spirit today. He is helping you continue the ministry of Jesus on this earth through what He has called you to do. Whatever your profession, what God has called you to do is an extension of the ministry of Jesus and you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to get the job done.
In our podcast devotional today, we are sharing more about the leading of the Holy Spirit and why our conscience is vitally important to how the Holy Spirit leads us. Stream it today and be encouraged with the truth that God really does communicate with you!
Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!
Monday Motivation: God Will Deliver You
Previously, I led a Bible Study on the Book of Esther. During this study, I talked about the confidence of Mordecai when he declared that God would deliver his people. In that heart, I shared a number of Scriptures that will stir your faith concerning God’s ability to rescue and deliver you. You can stream it here.
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Don’t forget to read through the Book of Acts with us this month!